In April, my family and I attended the Arts Walk 2017 in downtown Olympia, Washington. Arts walk is a two day festival that celebrates local artists - of all different crafts. From Painting to little wooden bird houses, sewn masterpieces and hand crafted statues there was an endless variety of beautiful, locally crafted Art. There were also performers filling the streets; some of my favorite being the children jugglers, fire dancers, break dancers and musicians. Local businesses aided in the spirit of the festival by displaying the Art of local Artists, from preschool students to accomplished Artists alike.
The streets were closed to traffic for the festivities and there were so many people it was hard to find room to walk. Looking all around there were smiles on the faces that whizzed passed me, children danced, laughed and chased bubbles. Looking up I saw balloons, a beautiful blue sky - and some rain. Even looking down was festive as the streets where covered in detailed chalk drawings, names of children and lovers and inspirational quotes.
The Luminary Procession is held the first night of Arts Walk and boasts some elaborate and visually stunning lanterns -many homemade. From dinosaurs to bugs to simple shapes, a parade of beautifully lit works of art passes through the streets of the Olympia. What a great way to close out the first day of Arts Walk.
A unique and popular part of Arts Walk is the Procession of the Species, which is a parade where it's participants dress up in detailed costumes of all species. It is intended to celebrate our connection with the earth and all living things. More immediately it provides joy and entertainment for all that witness it's magnificence. The Procession of the Species in Olympia has very minimal funding and depends on donations to keep it running. Please consider donating (information on donating HERE.)
The experience was one of a kind, chocked full of culture, spice and life. A truly remarkable and eye-opening experience that we will now be adding to our calendar every year.
Some of my images from Arts Walk and the Procession of the Species were featured on Thurston Talk's website. See the article HERE.

Arts Walk is presented by the City of Olympia Arts Commission and the Parks, Arts & Recreation department with
support provided by the local business community.
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